Course Syllabus

Overview of this Course

Course Description: An introduction emphasizing the origin and nature of the common rocks and continually changing features of the earth's crust. 


Learning objectives: Students should complete GEOL 101 with an understanding of:

  • The scientific method and its application to the development of geoscience (also to help you become critical thinkers!)
  • Geologic Time
  • The internal structure of the Earth
  • Plate tectonic theory
  • Types and origins of rocks on Earth
  • The origin, type, distribution, and impact of volcanoes in the world
  • The causes, type, distribution, and impacts of earthquakes on Earth
  • How the crust deforms through out geologic time
  • and much more!

Class Policies and Syllabus

                                       Tentative Schedule


Topics and activities

What’s due*

Week 1: Geology and Science

Geology and Science (1.1, 1.3)

  • Keywords
    • geology, physical geology, historical geology
    • hypothesis, theory
    • Concept Sketch
      • Be able to sketch, label and explain the scientific method


T 1/6

Introduction to Course

Reading: Syllabus and Canvas Page “Getting Started”

W 1/7

Geology and Science

Reading/Concept Checks: Ch 1.1,1.3

Th 1/8

Scientific Method Activity



Week 2: Geologic Time

Development of Geology (1.2)

  • Keywords
    • catastrophism, uniformitarianism


Geologic Time (9.1-9.5, 9.6)

  • Keywords
    • geologic time scale, eon, era, Precambrian, Paleozoic, Mesozoic, Cenozoic, correlation, index fossils, igneous dike, fault, inclusion
    • Relative age dating principles: superposition, original horizontality, cross-cutting relationships, inclusions, fossil succession
    • Unconformities: angular unconformity, disconformity, nonconformity
    • Numerical dating: Radioactive dating, half-life, radiocarbon dating
    • Concept Sketch
      • Sketch, label and explain the principles of relative age dating.
      • Sketch, label and explain the different types of unconformities and what unconformities tell us about age.
      • Sketch, label and explain how radioactive half-lives work and help scientist determine numerical age dates.


M 1/12

Development of Geology

Last day to add/drop classes

Reading/Concept Checks: Ch 1.2

T 1/13

Geologic Time – Relative Age

My Lab and Mastering: MG Reading Quiz #1 (due before class)

Reading/Concept Checks: Ch 9.1-9.3

W 1/14

Geologic Time – Relative Age

Reading/Concept Checks: Ch 9.4-9.5

Th 1/15

Geologic Time – Numerical Age

Reading/Concept Checks: Ch 9.6

My Lab and Mastering: MG Homework #1 (due Friday by 5PM)



Weeks 3: Earth’s Sphere, Interior and Rock Cycle

Earth’s Spheres (1.4-1.5)

  • Keywords
    • hydrosphere, atmosphere, biosphere, geosphere, system
    • Concept Sketch
      • Sketch, label and explain the Earth’s four major spheres and how they interact.


Earth’s Interior (1.7)

  • Keywords
    • core: inner and outer, mantle, crust, asthenosphere, lithosphere, upper mantle, lower mantle, ductile, mafic, ultramafic, felsic
    • Concept Sketch
      • Sketch, label and explain the internal structure of the Earth based on the chemical composition. Be sure to include names, which chemical elements are dominate, and density of each layer. Also make sure your sketch reflects the relative thickness of each layer.
      • Sketch, label and explain the internal structure of the Earth based on physical properties. Be sure to include names, behavior, and temperature/pressure differences of each layer. Also make sure your sketch reflects the relative thickness of each layer.

Rock Cycle (1.8)

  • Keywords
    • Rock cycle, igneous rock, sediment, sedimentary rock, metamorphic rock, crystallization, weathering, erosion, deposition, lithification, metamorphism, melting, molten material (magma/lava)
  • Concept Sketch
    • Sketch, label and explain the rock cycle. Be sure to included the 3 rock types, 2 materials and all processes that are needed to complete the cycle.


M 1/19

No class – MLK day

T 1/20

Earth’s Sphere and Interior

My Lab and Mastering: MG Reading Quiz #2 (due before class)

Reading/Concept Checks: Ch 1.4-1.5, 1.7

W 1/21

Earth’s Interior

Canvas Assign: Practice Concept Sketch #1 (due at 11:59PM)

Reading/Concept Checks: Ch 1.7

Th 1/22

Rock cycle Activity

Reading/Concept Checks: Ch 1.8

My Lab and Mastering: MG Homework #2 (due Friday by 5PM)


Week 4: Plate Tectonics

Divergent Plate Boundaries (2.5, 2.8, 4.5)

  • Keywords
    • divergent plate boundary, seafloor spreading, continental rift, paleomagnetism, decompression melting
  • Concept Sketch
    • Sketch, label and explain in detail how a divergent boundary works (midocean ridge and rift). Include prominent features, age/density relations, and temperature relations.
    • Sketch, label and explain in how paleomagnetism helps explain the age and formation of a divergent boundary (midocean ridge).

Convergent Plate Boundaries (2.6, 4.5)

  • Keywords
    • convergent plate boundary, subduction zones, continental collision, deep-ocean trenches, continental volcanic arc, volcanic island arc, decompression melting
    • Concept Sketch
      • Sketch, label and explain in detail how a convergent boundary works (continental collision and subduction zone). Include prominent features, and age/density relations.

Transform Plate Boundaries (2.7, 4.5)

  • Keywords
    • transform plate boundary
    • Concept Sketch
      • Sketch, label and explain in detail how a transform boundary works (oceanic and continental). Include prominent features, and age/density relations.

M 1/26

Midterm Exam #1


T 1/27

Plate Tectonic Activity

My Lab and Mastering: MG Reading Quiz #3 (due before class)

W 1/28

Divergent Plate Boundaries

Reading/Concept Checks: Ch 2.5, 2.8, 4.5

Th 1/29

Convergent and Transform Plate Boundaries

Reading/Concept Checks: Ch 2.6 – 2.7, 4.5

My Lab and Mastering: MG Homework #3 (due Friday by 5PM)


Weeks 5: Plate Tectonics, Minerals and Igneous Rocks

Scientific Revolution (2.1-2.4)

  • Keywords
    • contintental drift, Pangaea, midocean ridge, lithospheric plate, plate tectonic theory


Hot Spots, Plate Velocities and Plate Drivers (2.8-2.10, 4.5)

  • Keywords
    • mantle plume, hot spot, absolute plate velocity, relative plate velocity, slab pull, ridge push, convection cells
    • Be able to calculate an absolute plate velocity like we did for the Hawaiian Island chain.
  • Concept Sketch
    • Sketch, label and explain in detail how a hot spot/mantle plume works. Include prominent features, layers, and age/height relations.
    • Sketch, label and describe the different drivers to plate motion.

Minerals (3.1, 3.4, 3.6-3.9)

  • Keywords
    • mineral, rock, cleavage, hardness, polymorph, silicon-oxygen tetrahedron, silicate mineral, light (nonferromagnesian) minerals, dark (ferromagnesian) minerals
    • Concept Sketch
      • Sketch, label and explain the definition of a mineral.


Igneous Rocks (4.1-4.4)

  • Keywords
    • Igneous rock, magma, lava, volatile, intrusive igneous rock, extrusive igneous rock, crystallization, granitic (felsic) composition, basaltic (mafic) composition, andesitic (intermediate) composition, ultramafic, igneous texture: aphanitic, phaneritic, vesicular, glassy, porphyritic, pyroclastic
    • Concept Sketch
      • Sketch, label and explain the 6 igneous texture terms including where they form.


M 2/2

Scientific Revolution

My Lab and Mastering: MG Reading Quiz #4 (due before class)

Reading/Concept Checks: Ch 2.1-2.4

T 2/3

Hot Spots, Plate Velocities and Plate Drivers

Reading/Concept Checks: Ch 2.8-2.10, 4.5

W 2/4


Reading/Concept Checks: Ch 3.1, 3.4, 3.6-3.9

Th 2/5

Igneous Rocks

Reading/Concept Checks: Ch 4.1-4.4

My Lab and Mastering: MGHomework #4 (due Friday by 5PM)




Weeks 6: Magma and Volcanic Eruptions

Magma (4.5-4.8)

  • Keywords
    • Bowen’s reaction series, magmatic differentiation, crystal setting, assimilation, magma mixing, dike, sill, pluton, batholith
  • Concept Sketch
    • Sketch, label and explain how (processes) and where magma forms with in the Earth

Volcanic Eruptions and Monitoring (5.1-5.10)

  • Keywords
    • viscosity, volatile, basaltic lavas: aa and pahoehoe, block lavas, pyroclastic material, fissure, vent: summit and flank, crater, shield volcano, composite cone volcano, cinder cone, pyroclastic flow, lahar, tsunami, caldera, flood basalt,
  • Concept Sketch
    • Sketch, label and explain how a shield volcano is formed. Make sure to include how magma forms, type of magma, how and why volcano has its particular shape, types of igneous rocks and any other features specific to that mountain.
    • Sketch, label and explain how a composite cone volcano is formed. Make sure to include how magma forms, type of magma, how and why volcano has its particular shape, types of igneous rocks and any other features specific to that mountain.
    • Sketch, label and explain how a cinder cone is formed. Make sure to include how magma forms, type of magma, how and why volcano has its particular shape, types of igneous rocks and any other features specific to that mountain.

M 2/9


My Lab and Mastering: MG Reading Quiz #5 (due before class)

Canvas Assign: Practice Concept Sketch #2 (due at 11:59PM)

Reading/Concept Checks: Ch 4.5-4.8

T 2/10

Volcanic Eruptions

Reading/Concept Checks: Ch 5.1-5.10

W 2/11

Volcanic Eruptions

Reading/Concept Checks: Ch 5.1-5.10

Th 2/12

 Midterm Exam #2

My Lab and Mastering: MG Homework #5 (due Friday by 5PM)



Weeks 7: Weathering and Sedimentary Rocks

Weathering (6.1-6.4)

  • Keywords
    • mechanical weathering: frost wedging, sheeting, biological processes, salt growth; chemical weathering: dissolution, oxidation, hydrolysis; differential weathering,
    • Concept Sketch
      • Sketch, label and explain how weathering, mass wasting, and erosion work together.
      • Sketch, label and explain in detail each type of mechanical weathering we discussed in class.

Sedimentary Rocks (7.1-7.10)

  • Keywords
    • Clastic, non-clastic, crystalline, ADD
    • Be able to read and understand Figure 7.21. To be able to do this you must be comfortable with the rocks that are listed on the figure.
    • Concept Sketch
      • Sketch, label and explain the where on Earth that you would find igneous, sedimentary, and/or metamorphic rocks.

M 2/16

No class: Presidents’ Day

T 2/17


My Lab and Mastering: MG Reading Quiz #6 (due before class)

Reading/Concept Checks: Ch 6.1-6.4

W 2/18

Sedimentary Rocks

Reading/Concept Checks: Ch 7.1-7.10

Th 2/19

Erosion Activity

My Lab and Mastering: MG Homework #6 (due Friday by 5PM)




Weeks 8: Surface Processes

Running Water (16.1-16.2, 16.4, 16.6-16.7)

  • Keywords
    • hydrologic cycle, drainage basin, divide, streams, river, dissolved load, suspended load, bed load, saltation, sorting, v-shaped valley, floodplain, point bar, cut bank, alluvial fan, delta,
    • Concept Sketch
      • Sketch, label and explain how channel shape changes along a rivers profile. Remember to include a description how water velocity varies, changes in sediment size and where sediment is eroded and deposited.
      •  Sketch, label and explain the 3 ways running water transports sediment.

Wind (19.1, 19.4-19.6)

  • Keywords
    • Desert, steppe, rainshadow, bed load, saltation, suspended load, dune, slip face, cross-bed, loess
    • Concept Sketch
      • Sketch, label and explain a rain shadow. Include how the air changes (wet/dry) and what can form due to the rising air.
      • Sketch, label and explain the formation of a dune and cross beds. Include how the sediment load moves up the windward side of the dune.

Ice (18.1-18.6)

  • Keywords
    • alpine glacier, ice sheet, snowline, zone of accumulation, zone of wastage, glacial budget, glacial striations, rock flour, till, glacial erratic, moraine (terminal, ground, lateral, end, medial), outwash plain
    • Concept Sketch
      • Sketch, label and explain the glacial zones for both an alpine glacier and a continental ice sheet.
      • Sketch, label and explain how the budget of a glacial works. You may need to draw a series of sketches to full explain the process.

M 2/23

Running Water

My Lab and Mastering: MG Reading Quiz #7 (due before class)

Reading/Concept Checks: Ch 16.1-16.2, 16.4, 16.6-16.7

T 2/24


Reading/Concept Checks: Ch 19.1, 19.4-19.6

Canvas Assign: Practice Concept Sketch #3 (due at 11:59PM)

W 2/25


Reading/Concept Checks: Ch 18.1-18.6

Th 2/26

Missoula Floods

My Lab and Mastering: MG Homework #7 (due Friday by 5PM)


Weeks 9: Metamorphic Rocks and Crustal Deformation

Metamorphic Rocks (8.1-8.5)

  • Keywords
    • Parent rock (protolith), metamorphic grade, recrystallization, noecrystallization, confining pressure,
    • stress: differential, compressional, shear
    • texture: foliation and non-foliation
    • metamorphic environments: contact metamorphism, hydrothermal metamorphism, subduction zone (burial) metamorphism, regional metamorphism
    • Concept Sketch
      • Sketch, label and explain the distinct temperature ranges that the three main rock types form. Include what is special about those ranges.
      • Sketch, label and explain a graph illustrating how temperature and pressures are typically associated with major metamorphic environments.

Crustal Deformation (10.1-10.4)

  • Keywords
    • deformation: elastic, brittle, ductile
    • ductile deformation: folds: anticline, syncline, monocline
    • brittle deformation: joint, hanging wall, footwall, fault scarp, fault: normal, reverse (thrust), strike slip
    • Concept Sketch
      • Sketch, label and explain the difference between confining pressure and the 3 types of differential stress. Include the different features that form due to the different types of stress. Use Figure 10.8 as your guide.
      • Sketch, label and explain the 3 different types of folds we discussed in class.
      • Sketch, label and explain the different types of faults with the appropriate names, stresses, and features.

M 3/2

Metamorphic Rocks

My Lab and Mastering: MG Reading Quiz #8 (due before class)

Reading/Concept Checks: Ch 8.1-8.5

T 3/3

Metamorphic Rocks

Reading/Concept Checks: Ch 8.1-8.5

W 3/4

Crustal Deformation

Reading/Concept Checks: Ch 10.1-10.4

Th 3/5

Crustal Deformation

Reading/Concept Checks: Ch 10.1-10.4

My Lab and Mastering: MG Homework #8 (due Friday by 5PM)




Weeks 10: Earthquakes and Climate

Earthquakes (11.1-11.7)

  • Keywords
    • earthquake, hypocenter (focus), epicenter, elastic rebound, liquefaction, tsunami
    • seismic wave: body waves: P-waves, S-waves, surface waves
    • intensity, magnitude, modified Mercalli Intensity Scale, Richter Scale, Moment Magnitude
    • Concept Sketch
      • Sketch, label and describe a basic fault block models include features like hanging wall, foot wall, epicenter, focus, and fault scarp.
      • Sketch, label and describe the 3 types of earthquakes that can occur along the Cascadia Subduction Zone.
      • Sketch, label and describe how seismic waves speeds and amplification can change due to the material they travel through.

Climate (11.1-11.7)


M 3/9


My Lab and Mastering: MG Reading Quiz #9 (due before class)

Reading/Concept Checks: Ch 11.1-11.7

T 3/10

PNW Earthquakes

Reading/Concept Checks: Ch 10.1-10.4

W 3/11



Th 3/12


My Lab and Mastering: MG Homework #9 (due Friday by 5PM)


Finals week

M 3/16

8:00-10:00 am Final Exam


Course Summary:

Date Details Due